gary 24 hour session

Poker Pro Plays 24 Hour Poker Session (Here’s What Happened)

Poker pro and Upswing Lab cash games coach Gary Blackwood recently embarked on a new challenge: playing and vlogging a 24-hour poker session.

He showed up at the Aria and hopped in a cash game at 8PM. It ended up being a roller coaster 24 hours for the Scot.

You can watch what happened just below or keep scrolling for a recap of 7 notable hands that tell the story of his session:

Early Session

While none of the early hands were particularly noteworthy, Garyโ€™s session got off to a rough start. He lost about $500 with Pocket Tens vs Pocket Aces on a low board. He then lost another $1,000 or so after whiffing twice with Ace-King around 9PM.

But the downswing wasnโ€™t permanent as youโ€™ll see with these next 7 hands!

Hand #1: Flopped Set With Pocket Threes

Finally, some luck goes Gary’s way with this hand at 9:15PM.

$2/$5. $1,500 stacks.

Preflop: Gary is dealt 3d 3s Under the Gun
Gary raises $15. Middle Position calls. Button calls.

Flop ($52): 9c 4c 3c
Gary bets $25. Middle Position calls. Button folds.

Turn ($102): 4d
Gary bets $80. Middle Position calls.

River ($262): Ah
Gary bets $340. Middle Position calls.

Results: Gary wins the $942 pot with a full house. Middle Position does not show.

This was the first big win of his session and brought the total losses to about $1,200.

Hand #2: Two Pair On Flush Board

After losing a few small pots, Gary played one of his most interesting hands of the session at around 1AM.

$2/$5. $1,500 stacks.

Preflop: Gary is dealt Ad 6d in the Cutoff
Gary raises $15. Small Blind 3-bets $65. Big Blind calls. Gary calls.

Flop ($195): Ts 6s 5c
Small Blind bets $105. Big Blind folds. Gary calls.

Turn ($405): As
Small Blind checks. Gary bets $280. Small Blind calls.

River ($965): 5d
Small Blind checks. Gary bets all-in $1,150. Small Blind folds.

Results: Gary wins $2,115 pot.

While he didnโ€™t get to stack his opponent, this was still a nice win that cut his deficit to around $1,740.

Hand #3: Running Pocket Kings Into Aces

Gary won a few small pots before playing this sick one at 5:45AM!

$2/$5. $1,500 stacks.

Preflop: Gary is dealt Kh Ks in the Big Blind.
Cutoff raises $15. Gary 3-bets $70. Cutoff 4-bets $180. Gary calls.

Flop ($362): Qh Js 7d
Gary checks. Cutoff bets $85. Gary calls.

Turn ($532): 9h
Gary checks. Cutoff checks.

River ($532): Qc
Gary checks. Cutoff bets $180. Gary calls.

Results: Cutoff wins $892 pot with Pocket Aces.

Even though he lost this pot, he managed to lose the minimum when running Pocket Kings into Pocket Aces! His session total was back to -$1,760 after this.

Hand #4: Flush Draw In 6-Way Pot

Gary was moved to another table and weโ€™re now officially in the next morning at 9AM.

$2/$5. $1,500 stacks.

Preflop: Gary is dealt 6h 5h on the Button.
3 limps. Gary raises $30. Small Blind calls. Big Blind calls. All 3 limpers call.

Flop ($180): Kh Ts 7h
5 players check. Gary checks.

Turn ($180): 8d
4 checks. Hijack bets $70. Gary calls. Small Blind calls. Everyone else folds.

River ($405): Qh
Small Blind checks. Hijack bets $125. Gary raises $420. Small Blind folds. Hijack calls.

Results: Gary wins $1,245 pot with flush. Hijack does not show.

This crucial pot got Gary back to around -$1,400.

Hand #5: Triple Barrel With Pocket Aces

Gary gets dealt the perfect hand to get back to even at 11:45AM: Pocket Aces!

$2/$5. $2,000 stacks

Preflop: Gary is dealt As Ad in the Big Blind.
3 limps. Button raises $35. Gary 3-bets $135. Limpers fold. Button calls.

Flop ($287): Ts 3h 2d
Gary bets $135. Button calls.

Turn ($557): Ac
Gary bets $135. Button calls.

River ($847): 7c
Gary bets $650. Button folds.

Results: Gary wins $1497 pot.

After this nice win, Garyโ€™s deficit was down to just $935!

Hand #6: Flopping Two Pair In Multiway Pot

Gary managed to win a few small pots and finally got unstuck for the session, before losing another $1,0000 or so. Then this hand happened at 2:10PM!

$5/$10. $1,500 stacks.

Preflop: Gary is dealt Ah 6h in the Cutoff
Gary raises $30. Small Blind calls. Big Blind calls.

Flop ($90): As Jc 6s
Small Blind checks. Big Blind checks. Gary bets $50. Small Blind calls. Big Blind calls.

Turn ($240): 3c
Small Blind checks. Big Blind checks. Gary bets $320. Small Blind folds. Big Blind folds.

River ($880): 4h
Gary bets $1,000. Big Blind calls.

Results: Gary wins 2,880 pot with two pair. Big Blind shows Ac 8c.

After this huge win, Gary was officially $350 in profit and never looked back!

Hand #7: All-In Preflop With Ace-Queen

Gary moved to a $5/$10 and won a few medium-sized pots before playing the biggest pot of the session at 6PM. The opponent in question was an action player who was starting to play very loose after losing a few hands.

$5/$10/$20/$40. $2,000 stacks.

Preflop: Gary is dealt Ah Qs in the Straddle.
UTG limps. Cutoff raises $200. Gary 3-bets $800. Cutoff 4-bets all-in $2,000. Gary calls. They run it twice:

Board #1: Ac 7d 2c As Th
Board #2: Qd 8h 5d 3c 5c

Results: Gary wins both boards for $4,100 pot. Cutoff shows Jc 9c.

After this huge win, Gary played a few small pots but nothing close to this size.

Wrapping Up

There ya have it! After 24 hours of playing, you can see the 7 most interesting hands that Gary Blackwood played during this comeback session.

When the dust settled, he walked away with a profit of $5,292. Not bad for a dayโ€™s work!

Since joining the Upswing Lab team, Gary Blackwood has quickly become one of the most popular coaches among Lab members.

He has dozens of hours of training content in the Lab and has created in-depth lessons for critical topics like:

  • Costly Cash Game Mistakes to Avoid
  • Advanced Live Poker Strategy
  • Playing Overpairs Like a Pro
  • Block Betting

…and many more.

Join the Upswing Lab now to get access to all of Gary Blackwood’s lessons and 100+ lessons from other poker pros.

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Home > Poker Pro Plays 24 Hour Poker Session (Here’s What Happened)
About the Author
Patrick Harvey

Patrick Harvey

Graduate student trying to make money in poker so that I don't end up having to drive Knish's truck.

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