doug polk wild session

Doug Polk’s Wildest Poker Session Yet is a Whirlwind of Emotions

The high-stakes livestream game at The Lodge Card Club this past Sunday was epic, to say the very least.

Upswing Poker founder and Lodge co-owner Doug Polk joined the fray for a night of poker that began at $25/$50 stakes, and escalated to $100/$200/$400 by the end of the night.

Lodge Live stream watchers were treated to an incredible night of poker throughout, and the final hour of the eight-plus-hour session showcased some of the wildest action we’ve seen yet at the Lodge.

Doug was joined by fellow poker pros Mariano, Xuan Liu, and his recent nemesis Alex. Tito, Bulldog, and Tesla (who absolutely drove the action all night) rounded out the seven-player lineup.

If you haven’t seen Tesla and Alex battle with Doug, you’re in for a treat.

The following 11 hands recap the story of an unforgettable cash game stream.

Each written recap includes an embedded video so you can watch the hand yourself. I highly, highly recommend watching hand #7. Doug’s reaction is priceless.

The Lucid GTO Cash Game Trainer

Note: Supported game types at launch include cash games and heads-up. Tournaments and spin and gos are coming soon.

Hand #1 – Doug Snaps Off Tesla’s Bluff, Scoops $52K

(Hand begins at 4:45 on the stream)

Blinds: $25/$50

  • Tito ($19,700) calls the $100 straddle from the HJ with
  • Tesla ($24,775) raises to $350 from the CO with  
  • Doug ($52,650) 3-bets to $1,200 from the BTN with
  • Alex ($23,435) calls from the SB with
  • Tito calls, Tesla calls

Flop ($5,000)

Action checks to Doug, Doug bets $1,500, and the action folds to Tesla. Tesla calls, drawing dead against Doug’s flopped nut flush.

Turn ($8,000)


Tesla checks, Doug bets $7,500, Tesla jams for $22,705, and Doug calls.

River ($52,150)


Doug takes down the first big pot of the session, and Tesla pays the max for trying an airball bluff at the worst possible time. Doug does tell Tesla that he respects the move, however.

Check out the full hand here:

Hand #2 – Doug Vs. Alex Part 1

(Hand begins at 27:36 on the stream)

Blinds: $25/$50

  • Doug ($80,925) opens to $300 from UTG+1 with
  • Alex ($23,050) calls from the HJ with
  • Tesla ($31,275) 3-bets to $1,300 from the BB with
  • Doug calls
  • Alex calls

Flop ($4,075)

Tesla checks, Doug bets $1,700, Alex calls, Tesla folds

Turn ($7,475)


Doug checks, Alex bets $4,500, Doug calls

River ($16,475)


Doug checks, Alex bets $7,000, Doug folds.

A few weeks after Doug and Alex played the largest pot in the history of the Lodge ($707,800), the two tangle again in a 3-bet pot at $25/$50 stakes. Doug finds the fold on the river against Alex’s turned two pair.

Hand #3 – Mariano Stacks Alex

(Hand begins at 40:30 on the stream)

Blinds: $25/$50

  • Alex ($31,600) opens to $600 from the BTN with
  • Mariano ($106,325) 3-bets to $3,000 from the SB with
  • Alex calls

Flop ($6,400)

Mariano bets $4,800, Alex calls

Turn ($16,000)


Mariano checks, Alex bets $4,500, Mariano calls

River ($25,000)


Mariano checks, Alex goes all-in for $19,300, Mariano calls

We’ve learned by now that Alex isn’t scared to put the entire stack in the middle with an aggressive bluff. This time it backfires though, as Mariano turns the flush, sets the trap, and takes in a $63,600 pot.

Hand #4 – Doug Vs. Alex Part 2

(Hand begins at 1:18:35 on the stream)

Blinds: $25/$50

The NIT Game is on, and Doug still has his NIT button in front of him when this hand unfolds. The triple straddle is on, making the stakes $25/$50/$100/$200/$400 in this hand.

  • Doug ($69,025) opens to $1,000 on the BTN with
  • Alex ($33,750) calls from the SB with
  • Bulldog ($67,375)calls from the UTG Straddle with

Flop ($3,700)

Alex checks, Bulldog checks, Doug bets $1,000, Alex calls, Bulldog calls.

Turn ($6,700)


Alex leads out for $3,000, Bulldog folds, Doug calls

River ($12,700)


Alex checks, Doug bets $12,500, Alex folds.

Doug and Alex both go to the river with open-ended straight draws. Doug hits his straight, and Alex correctly folds second pair to Doug’s pot-sized river bet.

Hand #5 – Doug Vs. Alex Part 3

(Hand begins at 1:48:30 on the stream)

Blinds: $25/$50

  • Doug ($77,700) opens to $500 on the BTN with
  • Alex ($27,525) 3-bets from the SB with
  • Doug calls

Flop ($4,400)

Alex bets $2,000, Doug calls

Turn ($8,400)


Alex bets $3,500, Doug calls

River ($15,400)


Alex bets $4,500, Doug goes all-in for $15,500 effective, Alex folds

Alex goes for the triple-barrel bluff with queen-high on a four-flush board, but Doug doesn’t buy it and ends up taking down a $20K pot against his frequent nemesis.

Hand #6 – How Does Tesla Have THAT HAND?!

(Hand begins at 3:36:56 on the stream)

Blinds: $25/$50

  • Tito ($31,900) opens to $300 from the HJ with  
  • Tesla ($88,925) 3-bets to $1,200 from the HJ with  
  • Doug ($106,675) 4-bets to $6,000 from the SB with
  • Tito folds
  • Tesla calls

Flop ($12,500)

Doug bets $3,000, Tesla calls

Turn ($18,500)


Doug bets $18,000, Tesla raises to $37,000, Doug calls

River ($92,500)


Doug checks, Tesla goes all-in for $42,925, Doug calls. Tesla scoops a $178,350 pot.

Tesla 3-bets preflop with 76 offsuit, calls a 5x 4-bet, and calls Doug’s flop c-bet with just 5% equity against Doug’s trip kings. He finds a way to win a massive $178K pot with runner-runner straight cards appearing on the board.

Doug later calls this hand one of the worst beats he’s ever taken at the poker table. Be sure to watch this unbelievable hand unfold in the clip below:

Hand #7 – Tesla’s $75K Bluff Vs. Doug

(Hand begins at 6:56:21 on the stream)

Blinds: $100/$200

  • Doug ($152,900) opens to $2,500 from the CO with
  • Alex ($239,575) calls from the BB with
  • Tesla ($203,300) calls from the UTG S with

Flop ($7,800)

Action checks to Doug, Doug bets $2,500, Bulldog calls, Tesla raises to $10,000, Doug calls, Bulldog folds

Turn ($30,300)


Tesla bets $30,000, Doug calls

River ($90,300)


Tesla bets $75,000 and shows the . Doug turns over his and tanks. After agonizing over the decision for a couple of minutes, Doug folds. He’s shown the bad news as Tesla triumphantly turns over his other card, the .

This one has to be seen to be believed:

Hand #8 – Doug and Tesla Tangle in a 4-Bet Pot

(Hand begins at 7:35:54 on the stream)

Blinds: $100/$200

  • Bulldog ($212,925) opens to $600 from the CO with
  • Tesla ($235,600) 3-bets to $2,500 from the BTN with
  • Doug ($103,400) 4-bets to $10,000 from the SB with
  • Bulldog folds
  • Tesla calls

Flop ($21,000)

Doug bets $5,000, Tesla raises to $10,000, Doug calls

Turn ($41,000)


Doug checks, Tesla bets $10,000, Doug calls

River ($61,000)


Doug checks, Tesla bets $31,625, Doug raises to $65,000, Tesla folds

Tesla makes more big moves against Doug in this 4-bet pot, but he’s up against it this time. Doug flops the broadway straight, smooth calls Tesla’s flop raise and turn barrel, and takes a $92K pot after a river raise.

Hand #9 – Doug and Tesla Tangle in (Another) 4-Bet Pot

(Hand begins at 7:50:00 on the stream)

Blinds: $100/$200/$400

Tesla ($241,575) opens to $2,600 from the CO with

Doug ($153,525) 3-bets to $12,000 from the SB with

Tesla 4-bets to $35,000

Doug calls

Flop ($70,400)

Doug checks, Tesla goes all-in, Doug calls for his remaining $118,525

Turn and River (Run It Twice, $307,450)



More than $300K go in the middle on the flop, with Doug’g top pair crushed against Tesla’s set of eights. They run it twice and end up chopping the pot, as Doug finds a bit of luck in an otherwise brutal day with a straight-completing jack appearing on the river on the second board.

Hand #10 – Biggest Pot of the Night! (And it’s Doug Vs. Tesla, Again)

(Hand begins at 8:02:20 on the stream)

Blinds: $100/$200/$400

Tesla ($254,375) opens to $3,000 from the CO with

Doug ($251,625) calls from the SB with

Flop ($6,800)

Doug checks, Tesla bets $5,000, Doug raises to $15,000, Tesla calls

Turn ($36,800)


Doug bets $47,000, Tesla goes all-in, Doug calls for his remaining $189,375

River (Run It Twice, $509,550)



Doug goes from six-figure loses to six-figure winner in this game in one hand. $509,550 goes Doug’s way after all of the money gets in on the turn, and Doug’s set of threes holds up against Tesla’s gutshot straight draw.

Here’s the hand in it’s entirety:

Hand #11 – Last Hand of the Night

(Hand begins at 8:23:34 on the stream)

Blinds: $100/$200/$400

Alex ($210,825) opens to $1,200 from the BTN with

Doug ($505,300) calls from the UTG S with

Xuan ($79,300) calls from the BB with

Flop ($3,900)

Action checks to Alex, Alex bets $1,600, only Doug calls

Turn ($7,100)


Doug checks, Alex bets $8,000, Doug calls

River ($23,100)


Doug checks, Alex checks back

Alex contemplates overbetting the river here as a bluff, but he actually has the best hand. Both players check on the final street, and Alex takes a $23K pot in the last hand of the night.

Final Results

  • Doug $495,700 (+$182,625)
  • Alex $224,325 (+$161,400)
  • Mariano $205,825 (+$119,950)
  • Bulldog $220,925 (+$107,825)
  • Xuan $79,300 (-$25,350)
  • Tito $0 (-$95,300)
  • Tesla $0 (-$451,150)

What a night! Doug battles his way back and comes away with a $182K win after 8 hours of brutality to begin the night. Alex, Mariano, and Bulldgo all lock up six-figure wins, while Tesla goes out in a blaze of glory for a $451K loss.

The high-stakes livestream games at the Lodge are unlike anything else in the poker world, so be sure to look for the next big game featuring Doug and some of the best (and) wildest poker cash game players in the world.

Subscribe to the Lodge stream here!

The Lucid GTO Cash Game Trainer

Note: Supported game types at launch include cash games and heads-up. Tournaments and spin and gos are coming soon.


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Home > Doug Polk’s Wildest Poker Session Yet is a Whirlwind of Emotions
Home > Doug Polk’s Wildest Poker Session Yet is a Whirlwind of Emotions
About the Author
Geoffrey Fisk

Geoffrey Fisk

Freelance writer and poker player based in Las Vegas, Nevada.

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