7 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Smash Live Cash
The Upswing Poker team wants you to get max value from your investment in Nick and Brad’s Smash Live Cash course.
These 7 tips will help you do just that:
- Refer to the Course Terminology List
- Bookmark the Course Home Page for Easy Access
- Join the Facebook Group
- Use Video Speed Settings to Your Preference
- Review the Notes Below the Videos (And Maybe Write Your Own)
- Don’t Watch Too Many Videos in One Sitting
- Don’t Neglect Your Study
1. Refer to the Course Terminology List
Nick is one of the best and most technically talented poker players in the world, so he unsurprisingly uses a lot of terminology that you may or may not be familiar with.
Our team went through the entire course and put together a terminology list to help you avoid any confusion over unknown terms. There’s a drop down menu on the course home page — you can find the terminology list there.
You can read through it right away if you like, but the key is to refer to it when an unfamiliar term you comes up in the content. If a term you don’t know is not listed, check our poker glossary or email our support team.
2. Bookmark the Course Home Page for Easy Access
To avoid having to navigate through the members area every time, you can simply bookmark the course home page and return directly to it when you’re putting in a study session.
Here is the link: https://members.upswingpoker.com/courses/smash-introduction/
3. Join the Facebook Group
If you haven’t already, request to join the Smash Live Cash members-only Facebook group here.
One of the best ways to get better at poker is to discuss hands and strategy with a community. This group is your place to do it.
4. Use Video Speed Settings to Your Preference
Look for a gear at the bottom right of each video. That will bring up speed settings, which allow you to speed up or slow down the video.
Personally, I like to watch these videos at 1.25x or 1.5x speed, but everyone is different. Test a few different speeds and see which works best for you.
5. Review the Notes Below the Videos (And Maybe Write Your Own)
Videos in the course have notes below them. Those were included to help you cement your understanding of key takeaways.
BUT don’t feel like you shouldn’t take notes yourself. If you’re the type of person who retains information better by taking notes, by all means, have at it!
6. Don’t Watch Too Many Videos in One Sitting
If you’re like most humans, you can only retain so much new information in one sitting.
As tempting as it might be to binge this entire course like a new show on Netflix, I don’t recommend watching more than a few videos at a time, especially when you get to the denser postflop parts of the course that go over very in-depth, advanced strategies.
7. Don’t Neglect Your Study
This is probably the most obvious tip, but it’s too important to leave unsaid.
You have to watch the course content and study the preflop charts to actually see an improvement in your skills and win-rate. Simply signing up for the course isn’t enough. You must dive in and extract that value. Don’t sleep on it.