10 of the Best Episodes from Andrew Neeme’s Poker Vlog
Poker vlogger Andrew Neeme’s YouTube channel is up over the 100k subscribers mark. If you’re not one of them already, you probably will be after checking out a few episodes of his work.
Since rolling out the vlog’s pilot in October 2016, Neeme has produced more than 150 episodes and earned a reputation as one of the poker community best content creators. Neeme takes us aboard on his journeys to play live poker at venues all across the U.S. and occasionally branches out to international locations as well.
A typical episode might include things like Neeme setting up his phone as a hole-card cam, educational hand analysis, drone camera footage, giving us spectacular aerial views of Las Vegas and other locales, and MUGs (Meet Up Games), organized by Neeme on social media.
Let’s take a look at 10 of the best entries from Andrew Neeme’s blog; and be sure to check out the rest of the episodes on Neeme’s YouTube page as well:
10. A Quick Exit at the Bellagio
The most watched video on Neeme’s YouTube (at nearly 400k views and counting), is titled “A quick exit at the Bellagio”. That sounds like we’re in for a disappointing session, but this turns out to be a pretty good visit to the Bellagio for Neeme.
This video gives us a look at Neeme’s easy-to-follow and entertaining presentation of hands played in a live setting. Neeme sets up his phone as a hole-card camera and gives us street-by-street information about what he and his opponents are up to.
Neeme also gives us a quick look at the Bellagio fountains and conservatory as an added bonus.
9. Setting Records at Seven Mile Casino
Neeme’s trip to San Diego’s Seven Mile Casino starts with flat-tire drama, as a nail in one of his tires forces him to pull over at a motel and contemplate his options. Can Neeme roll his car to the gas station next door to air it up, and will the tire hold long enough to get to the Walmart tire center over a mile away?
The pit stop gives Neeme time to discuss variance in poker and fly his drone around, giving us some pretty sweet views of North County San Diego.
We eventually get to the Seven Mile and Neeme plays in a $5/$10 game with some very interesting hands and a guest appearance from Leo, another grinder at the table who joins Neeme for some post-session analysis from a big hand played between the two.
8. Flopping Quads and Getting Check Raised!
Neeme and fellow vlogger Brad Owen organize some $5/$5 No Limit Hold’em action in a Meet Up Game (known to Neeme’s followers as a MUG) at Rounders Card Club in San Antonio Texas.
The game gets a huge turnout and Neeme manages to play at six different tables during the session. Highlights include a dealer showing off impressive skill with a one-handed dealing technique, and Neeme finding himself in a dream situation when an opponent check-raises him with Andrew holding quads.
Neeme comes into this session on a losing streak, but runs incredibly well during this visit to San Antonio.
7. Biggest Poker Game I’ve Ever Played
Andrew records a vlog from a three-day collection of sessions on Live at the Bike, where he plays in some of the biggest games of his career on the live streaming poker program from the Bicycle Casino in Los Angeles.
Brad Owen once again joins the vlog for these sessions, and the action doesn’t disappoint. Neeme finds himself playing in a $5/$5 game with $5 antes and an uncapped maximum buy-in on Day 2, and with frequent $50 straddles and pots approaching $30k, we get to see Andrew with an opportunity to win some major money.
6. Facing a $1250 Raise With Pocket Aces
Neeme heads off to the Green Valley Ranch casino in Henderson, NV and gets into a $5/$10 game at a venue where he’s not going to run into too many regulars. He gets to play shorthanded as a result, and this video gives us a perfect example of Neeme’s easy-to-follow style of hand analysis.
Check out the hand starting at the 7:30 mark and watch as Neeme breaks down his thought process in a three-way pot, having flopped top pair and a combo draw and facing aggression from both opponents. These hand histories are the backbone of Neeme’s vlog and watching them is a great way to start understanding the live cash game circuit, while being entertained at the same time.
Neeme also plays at the Bellagio and picks up pocket aces twice in this episode, and calls the second instance “one of the most epic hands of the vlog.” See the hand he’s talking about starting at 22:37.
5. 3 Days of $5/$10 in LA! (Big Results)
In one of the latest entries in the vlog, Neeme escapes a rare Las Vegas snowstorm in February 2019 and drives down to the Commerce Casino to play in the cash games at the L.A. Poker Classic.
We don’t want to give too much away, but Neeme shows up at the Commerce and starts crushing. He picks up back-to-back full houses on Day 1 of the four-day stay and books a big win for the day, before grinding out a long session on Day 2 that goes into the early hours of the morning.
After a Day 3 session, Neeme takes us along for a trip to one of his favorite L.A. bars, El Prado, gives us some insights on Belgian beer, and goes through the day’s poker developments.
The trip turns out to be a great one for Neeme, who heads home after three days of $5/$10 at the Commerce and a short $5/$5 session at the Bicycle Casino. That final session comes after Neeme tries, unsuccessfully, to sneak onto a Live at the Bike streaming session.
4. My Biggest Single-Digit Win Ever!
To celebrate Brad Owen’s birthday, Neeme organizes another MUG and gets one of the biggest turnouts yet, filling the Graton Casino’s poker room to capacity when more than 100 players show up for some $3/$5 action. This MUG takes up seven tables in at the Rohnert Valley, CA casino, with 118 players on the waiting list!
These MUG numbers are a testament to just how popular Neeme has become since starting the vlog just over two years ago. This entry has lots of hand analysis and we’re treated to the drama of whether Neeme can book a win in this session.
3. Playing a $25,000 Poker Tournament in the Bahamas!
This list was originally intended to be a top seven list of the best entries from the vlog, but with so many great episodes let’s go ahead and extend it to a top-10 list.
In this episode Neeme travels to the Bahamas to play in the $25k PokerStars Players Championship, changing it up a bit with some tournament hand analysis and giving us some beautiful video of the Atlantis Casino property and surrounding areas.
2. Expected Income in Live Poker
Andrew and his wife, Busi, hit the hiking trails at Red Rock Canyon in Las Vegas, and Neeme flies the drone around for some great aerial views. Can they make it back to the car before nightfall hits?
Back at the apartment, Andrew pours himself a glass of egg nog and gives us a lesson on expected win rates in live poker.
1. Put to the Test: Day 2 of the WSOP Main Event!
In an episode that’s quite possibly the best of the series, Neeme hits the Rio for Day 2 of the WSOP Main Event, and early in the day makes a fold in a huge pot with T♥4♥ on a K♥4♠2♣5♥Q♥ board. Folding this ten-high flush clearly haunts him throughout the rest of the day, and he goes out to his car on the break and agonizes over whether his fold was correct.
Neeme busts out before the day is over and reflects on the Main Event experience and the current state of his poker career. The highlight of the episode comes at the very end, when Brad Owen tracks down the guy Neeme folded against, and we get to find out if Andrew indeed made the right play.
That’s all for our top-10 list, be sure to check out Neeme’s YouTube page for the complete library of episodes!