Doug Polk Q&A Twitch Poker Segment
Upswing Poker pro Doug Polk is all about taking care of viewers and subscribers. That’s why he’s set aside a segment on the Upswing Poker Twitch Channel to field questions each live-streaming day at 4:00pm PST.
Doug Polk Live Poker Q&A Recap
conspapgr: When I am facing min-raises and overbets, are they mostly polarized?
Doug Polk: Min-raises and overbets are very different things. Min-raises are more polarized the closer you get to the River. A preflop min-raise doesn’t mean shit…a River min-raise does. So it’s more polarized the closer you get to the river.
Overbets are always polar. Therefore min-raises are more polarized the closer you get to the River. Overbets are always polarized because your opponent is risking a lot to win a little, and your middle-ing hands can just never do that. So if someone overbets you can guarantee that they’re representing either a very strong hand or an extremely weak hand… no matter what street.
Anonymous: Who would win a heads-up cash game between you and Tom Dwan?
Doug Polk: #SaveTom
BooJayG: The issue is, you think you’re really good but you play poker the same way each time. To win small pots you overbet…. BAD
Doug Polk: Is that really bad? Is there some actual data to support this? The last I checked I win a lot of small pots.
gerardstdenis: How do you change your 3-bet strategy versus 40-blind short stacks?
Doug Polk: You’ve got to 3-bet a smaller size more because you’re basing more of your 3-bet strategy around commitment. If you both have 100 blinds, there’s no 3-bet size where you can take away an opponent’s ability to 4-bet. However, versus a 40-blind stack (which is opening the action preflop at 2-3 times), an opponent can only 4-bet all-in if you 3-bet to 7 to 10 times. For this reason, you want to make your 3-bet size smaller so your opponent is forced to risk the most by taking such a line.
As far as hands go I think that’s obvious. You use thinner hands for value, but don’t be afraid to put some bluffs in on the short stacks. They have a decision to make, too — it’s just for less money than our decisions. Good question, Gerard!
KIDWITHADREAM: When sitting down at a new table, for me as a “youngling,” being an aggressive player versus old men gets me into trouble in the sense they feel they need to “punish me.” Any tips?
Doug Polk: I think you’re over-thinking it, bro. I think older players — even if they think they might have to sand up to these “young kids” making a move on them — don’t necessarily change their style against aggressive play. It might make them “madder,” but I would still advise you to work that jab.
We talked a bit about this on yesterday’s cast — lots of small pots, work the jab, protect the body and wear down your opponent. Frankly, they’re probably already quite worn down given their age. Remember that they’re trying to stack you and win a big pot. YOU are in it for the “long game.” You’re trying to overbet & win small pots (shout-out to BooJayG).
Want to submit a question to be answered on-air during the Upswing Poker stream? Post a tweet to @DougPolkPoker on Twitter and tune-in to the Twitch stream at 4:00pm PST!
Doug, Ryan Fee and the Evil Empire are looking forward to a huge 2016 World Series of Poker. If you’re a out in Vegas, be sure to say hello to the guys out at the Rio, and best of luck at the tables!
(If you’re interested in improving your poker game, check out the Upswing Lab! Doug Polk and Ryan Fee collaborated on this A to Z training course and the great reviews keep rolling in! Check out our Upswing Lab testimonials page here)