We’re Plummeting, Bros! – Bankroll Challenge Day 32
Doug Polk’s hot streak was snapped on day 31 of his Bankroll Challenge.
Doug started the day with around $3,600, but a solid chunk of the bankroll was gone after the 5-hour PLO session.
He begins day 32 with $2,293 looking to turn things around.
Win Yourself a Silver Rake
Doug Polk prefaced the session with a Facebook live stream where he talked about the challenge, Upswing’s upcoming PLO content and the #RakeIt contest.
Doug started the early Twitch stream (9am PST) by saluting his European audience and commenting on the past session. He seemed positive despite the bankroll taking it’s biggest hit yet.
He started the session by opening four NL100 tables against mostly recognizable Twitch stream regs.
Naturally, Doug and Joe Ingram’s #RakeIt contest was a quick topic for discussion, which prompted Twitch chat to ask for proof that he would actually be signing the rakes.
Never one to leave his audience hanging, Doug proceeded to grab a silver colored sharpie and sign a rake on camera.
10 people will win signed rakes like this one!
The live rake signing nearly caused Doug to time out of pocket queens. He wisely closed a table, noting that three tables allows him to also pay more attention to the chat.
PLOmmeting the Bankroll Challenge
The session started well, up for the day, with a string of premium pairs and a couple of double ups. It was short lived, however, as Doug suddenly went card dead.
Close to two hours into the session, he decided he had enough of NL games for the day and opened a PLO table.
An hour later, it seemed that Doug’s PLO downswing from the day before was yet to subside.
“We’re plummeting bros, plummeting.”
The downswing went so bad that the chat accused Doug of being tilted. He dismissed the idea, saying that he’s not playing any more aggro than usual. Seconds later, though, he delivered a mock eulogy for the session, so take that as you will.
He ended the PLO session and decided to jump into some tournaments, knowing that the audience likes them more. He broke even on the PLO session, but he was still down for the day from the NLH.
Crowd Pleasing Tournaments
Doug decided to boot up tournaments, a fan favorite, with buy-ins ranging from $5 to $50.
One of the many tournaments he entered was a $20 satellite to a $2k guaranteed, which he won, being among the five players that received a $200 ticket.
The bankroll sat at $2,174.
While waiting for this huge tourney to start he played $5 and $10 tournaments with a PLO200 cash game on the side.
The $200 tournament started at the 8th hour of the session while his other tournaments were still running. Almost 10% of the bankroll’s equity was at risk in this tournament, and Doug got off to a hot start with a quick double up.
In the smaller stakes tournaments, Doug stayed near the top of the leader board as the money approached. His two tables of cash games were going well as well, but the run bad was about to return.
Chips started to dwindle in all of Doug’s tournaments as he busted each of them one-by-one. Profit in the cash games started to slow down as well.
Doug decided to focus on the $200 tournament, with its first place prize of $7,000. This ‘Main Event’ could bang off 70% of the bankroll challenge in one cash.
After doubling up early on, he was back to a little over even in chips, while up $200 on the PLO100 table. At this point Doug had been playing for over nine and half hours, much to the surprise of the Twitch chat.
However, two hours into the tournament, Doug ran into two sets in as many hands.
Moments later he lost another all in at a PLO table, adding it all up to a $200 loss for the day.
After little more than ten hours, Doug decided to put day 32 in the books. It was a grueling, roller coaster session that seemed worse than it actually was.
The bankroll ends the day at $2,092. The next challenge session will be on Friday, April 14th at 3pm.
Get daily updates from the challenge here.