3 Things That Shocked This Chess Master Turned Poker Pro

what shocked Alexandre Vuilleumier from chess to poker

The newest course in the Upswing Poker library comes from a chess master turned high stakes poker pro. Alex Vuilleumier achieved the title of International Master and a rating as high as 2400 in competitive chess. In poker, Vuilleumier is a WSOP bracelet winner, with a resume that includes more than $2.2 million in tournament…

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How to Win More Pots with Delayed C-Bets

delayed c-bet continuation strategy

Every skilled poker player has the c-bet (short for “continuation bet”) in their arsenal. C-betting capitalizes on two crucial facts: The preflop aggressor usually has the strongest range of any player in the […]

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How to Play Five-to-a-Straight Boards Like a Pro

five straight boards

Boards with five cards to the straight can be quite confusing to play. But fear not! In this article, I am going to break down what makes these boards special and how you should play them. I’ll be leveraging Upswing Poker’s upcoming tool (the Lucid GTO Trainer) to demonstrate how a GTO player would approach…

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Master Common Poker Exploits With This New Upswing Lab Module!

exploit your opponents

Upswing Lab coach and all-around crusher Tim Jenkins is back with an easy-to-watch module on exploiting your opponents!  In this module, Tim shows Upswing Lab members the top exploits he’s used to make hundreds of thousands of dollars throughout his poker career. Whether you think your opponents are too aggressive, too passive, call too much,…

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The Mistake Poker Players Make When C-Betting

big c-bet mistake

Range betting, or betting 100% of the time, can be a powerful tool. It exploits players who fold too often and don’t raise often enough — and that describes the vast majority of all poker players. However, far too often, players who discover the power of range betting will make the mistake of doing it…

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How to Play King-Ten Offsuit In Cash Games

king-ten offsuit

I’m not going to BS you here… King-Ten offsuit is a mediocre hand. But it’s still worth playing in certain situations. If you have the right strategy and wait for good spots, you are certain to turn a profit with this hand in the long run. Helping you do just that will be the focus…

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What Is Pot Control & Why Does It Matter?

pot control

You’ve probably heard the poker term pot control before. If you want to know what it means and why it matters, read on. This article covers: What is Pot Control? Why Should You Pot Control? How Important Pot Controlling is for Poker Players I will also give you some concrete examples of when you should…

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Flush vs Flush! Rampage Flops The Nuts vs Nik Airball (Analysis)

rampage vs airball

Today we’re going to look at a massive pot between two high stakes Hustler Casino Live regulars: Rampage Poker and Nik Airball. This is a wild pot that took place in a $25/$50 game with roughly $90,000 effective stacks. Let’s jump in! Preflop Action Nik Airball straddles in the Cutoff to $100 (it’s called a…

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How to Snowball Your Winnings vs Bad Poker Players

snowball and increase poker winnings

When you’re up against bad poker players, you have the opportunity to beat them for a large number of chips. And with the right strategy, that number (and your chip stack) will continue growing like a snowball rolling down a snowy hill. In this short article, I am going to show you how to extract…

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How to Play Six-Five Suited In Cash Games

six five suited

I always feel excitement when I’m dealt Six-Five suited. It cracks Pocket Aces over 22% of the time (more than any other starting hand) and it makes disguised flushes, straights, and two pairs relatively frequently. But despite all of these positives, there are some things you should know before getting too carried away with Six-Five…

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Doug Polk’s Funniest Poker Hand of 2023 (Analysis)

taras vs doug

Most of Doug Polk’s live stream appearances showcase high-level strategy… …but today we are going to be looking at something a little different. The hand in question took place between Doug and a player named Taras. (These two have a ton of history against each other playing on The Lodge Card Club’s live stream.) This…

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How to Play Ten-Eight Suited In Cash Games

ten-eight suited

Ten-Eight suited is a nice starting hand in No Limit Hold’em. It certainly won’t be your biggest cash cow, but you can make a good amount of money in the long run by playing it correctly. This article covers: How to play Ten-Eight suited in a variety of preflop situations 3 tips for when you…

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How to Play Pocket Jacks in Cash Games

pocket jacks

“There are 3 ways to play Pocket Jacks, and they’re all wrong.” You may have heard this famous poker saying before. Hopefully you didn’t pay it much attention because it’s pretty much nonsense. Pocket Jacks is one of the strongest hands preflop and should be a welcome sight when the dealer tosses it your way.…

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How to Play King-Nine Suited In Cash Games

king-nine suited

Woof woof (get it?). King-Nine suited is a solid hand — one that can make you a little bit of money. But more importantly, if played incorrectly, it can cost you a lot of money. Read on if you want to avoid making those costly mistakes. This article covers: How to Play King-Nine Suited Preflop…

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How to Play King-Queen Offsuit in Cash Games

king-queen offsuit

King-Queen offsuit is a powerhouse hand…in most scenarios. It should be quite a money-maker for you (on average), but you need to know how to play it properly. This article covers: How to Play King-Queen Offsuit Preflop 3 Tips for Playing King-Queen When You Miss the Flop 3 Tips for Playing King-Queen When You Hit…

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The Notorious Tony G vs The $100,000 Bluff

tony g vs 100k

Tony G is a poker boom-era legend known for his masterful table talk. He doesn’t play much poker in the United States these days, but he appeared on Hustler Casino Live’s Million Dollar Cash Game earlier this year. He got into a bunch of interesting pots while playing $500/$1,000 with a $2,000 big blind ante.…

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