$25,000 High Roller (WSOP Hand Breakdown) | Upswing Poker Level-Up #42
This article is a transcription of the Level-Up Podcast, hosted by Upswing VP Mike Brady with special guest Aaron Barone. You can watch or listen to the entire episode via the links above or read on if you prefer a written version.
Mike (00:00):
This $25,000 buy-in tournament at the World Series of Poker just wrapped up. Let’s take a look at a couple of key hands from the event. I’m Mike Brady and I’ve got Tournament Pro and streamer Aaron Barone here with me to review this hand. You ready to go?
Aaron (00:15):
I’m ready.
Mike (00:16):
All right, so we are in the money at this stage of the tournament. It’s around 45 players left in this 25K buy-in and every player has locked up around $50,000. The winner’s going to get a little over $1.6 million but there’s a lot of play between now and the final table. So that first place prize not really in sight quite yet. First decision point here we have Reard with Queen Jack Offsuit in the middle position, low jack some would say pretty clear raise here. Would you say Aaron?
Aaron (00:49):
Yeah, I think raising here is fine. I do think that against tougher and more aggressive lineups you could opt to fold Queen Jack offsuit here. I mean I think that if we’re talking about it being close, I don’t think Queen ten is great. Queen nine is definitely not, Jack ten is close so I think Queen Jack offsuit, Jack ten offsuit are close but it’s fine.
Mike (01:10):
Yeah, to your point, I ran this spot using Hold’em Resources calculator, plugged in all of the payouts for this event. All the stack sizes and this is right around the bottom of his range. Jack ten and Queen ten offsuit do get in there for very slightly profitable raise as well. He is on a short stack here but he’s still got a good amount of play. He is got 30 bigs not in the danger zone by any means. In any case, he does raise it up and he is going to get action from one player and that player is not Dario Sammartino here in the button. He’s going to fold. By the way we’re watching this on PokerGO. You can watch the entire event, the 25K buy-in tournament at the World Series on pokergo.com just got to subscribe. Chance Kornuth with Ace nine offsuit in the small blind. It looks like he’s considering something. He does let it go. What do you think of that decision Aaron?
Aaron (02:03):
I think if you’re going to have three bet bluff combos using Ace nine offsuit is not bad in terms of having a blocker to some of the strong hands that would four bet jam. If you’re getting flatted more often I think using ace nine offsuit is actually a pretty terrible hand to use because again, it’s good for blocker type situations but in terms of post flop playability, ace nine offsuit is not great. I’d much rather have Ace three suited, Ace four suited or any other suited connected hands that can navigate post flop a little better.
Mike (02:32):
Kornuth does think it over but he eventually folds then it’s Shaun Deeb in the big blind. He’s rocking a 40 big blind stack covering Reard by about 250,000 chips. He makes a standard defend with the six three suited and we get the ten nine three, two club flop one spade, so Deeb does have a backdoor flush draw with his bottom pair. Reard flops pretty well as well. He’s got two overs, an open ender and a backdoor flush draw, Deeb makes the standard procedural check to the aggressor on this board and now Reard has a decision to make. What are you thinking in his spot?
Aaron (03:08):
Looking at his exact two cards in this board, there are a lot of run outs here where I’m just firing three barrels. I know I want to play it street by street but I’m looking at the fact that on most run outs I’m going to either end up with a hand that’s top pair, a straight or could block a flush even if the board runs out with a brick on the turn Ace on the river, it’s a good spot given I have Queen High so I definitely want to bet now, but I’m already thinking about what turns and rivers am I going to continue betting.
Mike (03:39):
What size do you like in his shoes here There’s 135,000 in the pot. He’s got 690 behind. How are you approaching your bet sizing in position?
Aaron (03:47):
I think overall my bet size here is going to be pretty small. If we were really shallow, I might want to turn this into a two street hand where I pick a slightly bigger sizing on the flop to set up a turn jam but he starts the hand with about 30 bigs more than enough playability for three streets. I don’t think I want to go too big here so I think around one third is totally fine.
Mike (04:10):
Yeah, and it’s kind of funny that you said if you were shallower you might actually bet a little bit bigger so you can play that two street game. Bet the flop shove the turn for a round pot or maybe even under pot, but it’s funny, if you were deeper, you’d also probably bet bigger on this board, right? If you were playing a hundred blinds deep, this is a perfect big bet board. It’s very dynamic but it is still overall good for you as the player who raised rather than the player who called in the big blind. You’re going to have more pocket tens, pocket nines probably you’re going to have more good straight draws, you’re going to have more high card hands and over pairs that overall just beat the big blinds range. Plus it’s a dynamic board where generally speaking you bet big on dynamic boards. That’s not always true but it often is in poker. So if we were deep here, if we were 60, 70, a hundred blinds deep Reard would probably go quite big. And then Aaron is saying that if we’re shorter he’d also probably go a little bit bigger to set up that two street game.
Aaron (05:04):
And that’s why tournament poker can be so confusing at times where as you said with a short stack or a big stack, you could take one action and then somehow when you’re in the middle of those two you take a completely different action.
Mike (05:16):
Right, and just in general sizes do tend to skew smaller as you get shorter, but there is that exception when you decide to play that two street game, which can definitely be a good weapon to have in your arsenal. In any case, Reard does go for what looks to be a small bet. Yeah, 45,000 into 135,000, so about one third pot, which I’d assume is about the small size you should be looking for on this board. Deeb with bottom pair. He’s not going to go anywhere. He’s getting a great price, looking great by the way. Well done on that weight loss bet Deeb. I don’t know if you won or whatever but you look great. Turn ace of spades does give Deeb that flush draw now and it’s a card that’s going to hit Reard sometimes he may not continuation bet with Ace High every time hard to say, but he will occasionally have an Ace five, an Ace Queen, an Ace jack here for sure. So this card is overall going to be better for Reard but Deeb can have some Aces of his own here. He would probably call the flop with some ace highs. What’s your overall thoughts on this turn once it checks over to Reard?
Aaron (06:17):
I definitely think Reard should keep betting. I think it is a card that overall is good for his range better for his than Deeb’s actually. With his exact hand right now. I had said before on the flop that there were a lot of run outs I was going to be happy to barrel and now I might, I mean every spade you’re going to block a flush. Every club you’re going to block a flush. If the river is a complete brick, you’re going to end up with Queen High, which given how Reard’s range looks pre flop, that might be the exact bottom of his range. We don’t know if he’s opening seven six suited here, it’s close I think actually has similar equity to Queen Jack from lojack or middle position, so I think he’s got a pretty good spot to be betting and apply pressure to Deeb’s range which overall should be capped and that’s really when you want to attack.
Mike (07:03):
Yeah, Deeb is going to have a lot of nine x, a lot of three x, I mean in this case Deeb turned the flush draw but if Deeb had six three of hearts he probably would’ve played it the same up until this point and now his pair of threes would be pretty dusty. He’s clearly going to fold to any bet on the turn. Same with his nine x quite likely and then his ten x is kind of in the middle, kind of a tough spot. I’m sure Deeb will continue with some ten x against a bet on the turn. Aaron peppered in a really good point there about bluffing in general if you’re an experienced sort of solver studier, you’re going to be familiar with this but it’s a really cool concept, in this spot Reard has two very relevant suits. The board is all black, two spades, two clubs and Reard has one spade, one club.
So not only does he block the current flush draws, which is quite good, it’s always decent to block flush draws because it prevents your opponent from having hands that can continue. For example by having the jack of clubs, he blocks Deeb from having a hand like Jack ten of clubs which will certainly call the turn. So it’s a good card to have. Same goes for the queen of spades but then it also has really nice effects on the river. If the river is the seven of spades or the six of clubs or something like that. Now he blocks those rivered flushes potentially. So river club he still blocks that jack ten of clubs which prevents Deeb from having as many flushes in his range. So this hand is going to be really good for barreling on the turn and particularly good for bluffing again on the river when one of the draws comes in. In any case, let’s see what Reard decides to go with here. With 225,000 in the pot, he’s going to fire what looks to be 135K and now it’s over to Deeb and he’s got an interesting spot here, Aaron, I assume it’s between one of two options. We’re never folding a hand like this. We’re either calling or maybe putting in a raise. What’s your take on Deeb’s spot?
Aaron (08:55):
So definitely want to continue, right? Even if we’re behind to a hand like Ace King, Ace Queen, ace Jack, we have enough equity to continue given the price we’re getting, plus there’s implied odds of hitting our flush or a six or another three and then of course there’s the equity of when he’s just straight up bluffing. Now initially I thought this spot was going to be on the bubble and then I might change my strategy here of how I play this spot, but in the money I believe I just want to be calling this hand because if my opponent has a bluff I want them to keep betting and this is actually a board where my opponents range pre flop has a few hands in it that actually makes sense for ’em to keep barreling that I’m ahead of, king queen, king jack, queen jack, all those Broadway draws are going to bet an ace turn usually. Some people over bluff an ace turn anyway, so I like just calling here and then playing a river.
Mike (09:51):
Yeah, and you were saying that initially we thought this spot was on the bubble, we got some incorrect info and you are positing that you would actually prefer a shove at least you would prefer the shove more if it was on the bubble because of that extra pressure that you are applying Reard’s going to have to maybe make some big folds. Is that kind of your general thinking?
Aaron (10:12):
Yeah, I think in the money here, if my opponent, if Reard has Ace King, Ace queen, ace jack facing a shove doesn’t feel great about it, but the bubble’s burst, pot’s pretty big. I have, depending his suits as well. If it’s like Ace Queen of diamonds, it’s going to be a much easier call. I could see Reard making this call, but if we’re on the bubble, if we’re short of the money, I think people are going to over fold this spot and I’d mentioned Ace Queen as a hand that could potentially call. It could potentially fold in both spots if you think about how your opponent’s range looks, how often they’re bluffing, what they’re bluffing with. And so I would not be surprised to get a fold out of top pair by check jamming, especially before the money. But once you’re in the money and payouts are flat, people are more incentivized to take risks and call a little bit lighter and so that’s why I think I prefer a flat here but look to jam potentially on the bubble or close to it.
Mike (11:11):
Yeah, that makes sense. I would be quite surprised if Reard would bet fold ace queen here ever in the money and then I would be surprised if he’d even fold it before the money. What might happen instead is maybe he checks the turn more often with those types of hands so he doesn’t have to face the check shove. So his betting range in the first place is going to be a bit tighter. Do you kind of see that happening? If we were pre-money?
Aaron (11:35):
I think it’s possible that his value range could actually not bet this turn as much and theoretically if he’s going to do that, he shouldn’t have as many bluffs either. But I’ll say it again, people I think overall tend to over bluff the ace or the king turns the high card turns for the preflop raiser and yes, they’re better for your range, but if you’re betting your entire range in that spot and your opponent knows that and you turn into a hundred percent double barrel frequency, well that’s bad. And if you’re cutting out the value part of your range like Ace Queen and Ace Jack to protect yourself from being jammed on, but now you’re still betting the Bluffs, you’re even more imbalanced towards a nuts or nothing type spot and you just don’t have enough of those strong value hands to actually balance it out. So depending on how he would adjust here would change our strategy or Deeb’s strategy, but there are many ways you can actually make a slight mistake here that opens it up for your opponent to take advantage.
Mike (12:31):
Yeah, makes sense. So let’s go ahead and see what Deeb does. He does go for the all in great play to put Reards exact type of hand in a brutal spot. I mean it’s a clear fold but he’s throwing away 25% equity. It’s usually going to have at least around 20% equity, so pretty brutal to have to fold a hand with that much equity here, but he does get out of the way and Deeb takes down a nice pot here early in the money stages. We’ve got one more hand to go over. Fast forwarding about 45 minutes in real time here we have a different feature table and the action folds around to Bleznick. There’s still around the same number of players left in the forties when about 49 paid. Each player has still locked up the same amount. It’s around 50,000 and the next pay jump is like $6,000 coming in a few bust outs. So it’s not really relevant any payout type stuff yet. So it starts off the action folding around to Jared Bleznick in the small blind. He’s going to limp in with the Ace Queen offsuit. He’s playing a 1.8 million chip stack and the legend Nick Schulman, Mr. Smooth voice himself has got 1.6 million in the big blind. Starting off with Bleznick’s limp. What is your take on that one, Aaron?
Aaron (13:51):
I think my overall strategy here around 50 effective deep at this point from the small blind would be I’d be limping or I’d be making it about three and a half. And I think using strong hands in both sides of that range is really important. You don’t want to only raise with strong hands and then all your weak hands, you just limp it in. So I can understand limping here. I think if I had to choose I might prefer to limp ace queen suited, but I don’t think it matters that much here because when you’re limping ace queen, you’re probably not going to limp call anyway. You’re going to be limp raising, but I think limping is reasonable. You could argue against certain opponents you want to be doing one or the other more, right, raising or limping. But again, versus solid, tough opponents, you definitely want to have strong hands in both lines.
Mike (14:37):
Yeah, in general, something I’ve noticed that preflop solvers in tournaments really like to do is they like to kind of trap the suited versions of good hands and play it a little faster with the offsuit versions. So you might see a Preflop solver raise here with Ace Queen offsuit, but limp Ace Queen suited just because that Ace queen suited has a bit more playability and by limping you are going to likely play post flop more often and you prefer to have a hand with slightly more playability. Now that said, these little tricks, the way the solver kind of chooses its hands a lot of times it’s not incredibly vital to absolutely nail. I’m looking at a 50 big blind chart, small blind unopened. So basically this exact spot, there’s 60 big blinds deep, 53 big blinds deep. So this chart is pretty close to right. This is from the Road to Victory course on Upswing poker made by Darren Elias and Nick Petrangelo. Ace Queen offsuit, pure limps in this spot and then Ace Queen suited raises 25% of the time. So we’re really splitting hairs. You could kind of do either one with Ace Queen in this situation.
Aaron (15:39):
And I imagine the equities are actually really close as well, of raising and limping those hands.
Mike (15:48):
Yeah, yeah, I would think so. And in case you’re wondering what you would do, suppose you limp that ace queen offsuit or suited and then the big blind raises, both of them would just reraise over that limp. So if Nick Schulman made it 90,000 or 120,000 here over this limp, which would be a three or four x Jared Bleznick’s correct response would be to just Reraise now with his exact holding Ace Queen offsuit and same if he has Ace Queen suited. Moving on to Nick Schulman’s action, he picks up a little dumpster hand in the big blind. He’s got six two offsuit. Now it might look like an auto check, but it is worth talking about at least a little bit how the big blind likes to play against a small blind limp. What’s your general approach, Aaron? When you are in the big blind, the small blind limps and you’re about 50 big blinds deep?
Aaron (16:37):
So there are certain players you’re going to be up against who play a strategy where it’s very face up, where when they limp they’re weak, when they, well maybe not weak, but they’re polar in that they are generally weak and then super duper strong. If you’re up against that kind of player, then I think raising six deuce off here and raising a bunch of your trash makes a lot of sense because you’re going to fold out their middling hands, some of which are ahead of your six deuce. In fact most are. But if they have a hand like Queen four or Jack three or even king deuce off, how good do you feel about limp calling it? Some people do, some people don’t. Depends on the player, but again, if their range is comprised mostly of middling to weak hands that are going to fold, then it doesn’t matter as much that you have six deuce or seven three or Jack ten, raising is going to generate a fold which wins you the pot, which is pretty good. Against better players
you do want to be careful about over raising the spot and getting exploited like that. But if I’m going to pick out hands that I want to be raising here as the weaker parts of my range, the bluffs, using this isn’t terrible using a hand like six deuce off and I think my general strategy would be more likely to check some of the suited ones. But I could see the argument for raising some suited ones too. But a lot of people in the spot in the big blind are raising hands they think are the best hand and they’re raising for value. I think in actuality you want to be raising a lot of hands that are weak if you just think they’re going to generate folds.
Mike (18:04):
Yeah, certainly and at equilibrium, in other words GTO or how a solver would play or how great players play, there are a lot of hands that the small blind is going to be limping and then folding to a raise. So as the big blind, you don’t only want to raise when you have a good hand, you don’t only want to raise king queen suited and ace king suited and queens and all those types of really, really good holdings. You also want to raise with some quote unquote bluffs and take down the pot pre-flop potentially with those hands. I’m going to pull up on screen another chart from the Road to victory course. This is how the big blind plays against a limp at equilibrium at 50 big blinds deep. And if you’re listening to an audio platform, I’ll do my best to walk you through this.
The green hands are the ones that raise the yellow hands are the ones that check. 42.7% of hands are green. So there’s a lot of raising here and a lot of obvious stuff raises pocket tens, pocket eights, Ace ten offsuit, ace seven suited like these good hands raise even queen eight suited, queen nine suited raises because it’s a pretty good hand. Then we do a lot of checking with middle of the road hands jack five suited, ten five suited, queen six offsuit, those types of hands check every time. But then there’s a bunch of raising with hands that you might find unintuitive. There’s eight four offsuit raises a lot, eight three offsuit raises a lot, seven three suited raises sometimes, six four suited. And if you just look at this chart, there is a ton of raising with these bottom of the barrel hands and the idea is simply to make your opponent fold a better hand that they will likely fold.
If you raise with eight three offsuit in the big blind here and your opponent folds eight six offsuit, that’s a huge win. You just got them to fold a hand that dominates you. So in solver land in good player versus good player land, you’ve got to be doing a lot of this weak hand raising out of the big blind. Otherwise you’re going to be way too easy to play against and you’re not going to be taking advantage of all those times where the small blind folds. I think that’s probably enough nerdy stuff about blind versus blind limped pots though Aaron. So let’s move on to the flop. Nick Schulman does check with the six two offsuit in this instance and we get the nine nine four, two club flop. Jared Bleznick has the ace of clubs with his ace queen and Schulman has the two of clubs with his six two. Bleznick checks it over to Schulman who rechecks his cards and eventually here is going to put in a wager on the flop. He’s going to go for a one big blind bet of 30,000 into the 90,000 chip pot. Eventually Bleznick is going to take a little bit of time, but call with his Ace Queen, what is your overall analysis of this flop action, Aaron?
Aaron (20:48):
I like it from both players. I don’t really just want to bet Ace Queen High here. I think checking it basically as a trap is pretty good and Schulman has one of the worst hands you can have. He has six high, however, he does have two suits that could become relevant later in that he could make a flush, which he doesn’t want to but he could end up blocking some flushes in the future, but we’re getting a little ahead of ourself now. But he has six high and his opponent’s shown some weakness. He takes a stab at the pot and Bleznick continues with the call. So far so good from both.
Mike (21:21):
I think Bleznick could potentially bet the flop, but he actually does benefit from keeping in a hand like say Queen five offsuit, which would fold to a bet. Sometimes the turn’s going to be a queen where they’ll both hit top pair and now Bleznick is going to win a decent sized pot from that worse queen. He might eke out a little bit of value from worse ace highs, but checking certainly can’t be bad with this Ace queen here. Schulman taking a shot at the pot with his six high and relevant suits and kind of a weak backdoor straight draw also makes sense. So after that flop action we get the seven of hearts on the turn. We now have a nine nine four seven board, two clubs, two hearts, and somewhat notably Schulman has both a heart and a club. So the relevant suits are both in Schulman’s hand here, which is likely going to steer him towards aggression. That’s a trick that you’ll see a lot of good players do when they have relevant suits. That’s often when they decide to pounce and bluff at the pot. So after this turn falls, Bleznick checks again, this is a procedural check to the previous street aggressor and now it’s on Schulman. What is your take on how he should approach this spot, Aaron?
Aaron (22:30):
This card kind of looks like a brick to a lot of people in that it doesn’t improve his actual equity, right? He still has six high, but we talked about having relevant suits that he’s going to have a heart and a club and both of those can block Bleznick from having continues of potential flush draws. And if the flush draws hit on the river, then there’s more value there blocking flushes. But additionally he also has a six in his hand, which isn’t as relevant, but it’s something where on this river if he bets and gets called on this river on an eight or a ten or a five or a three, he’s going to block straights and Bleznick is also unlikely or less likely to have those hands anyway. But that coupled with Schulman having six high means, I think he has a pretty clear bet here.
Mike (23:20):
And you made the point there that say the river’s a five, so eight six is a straight Schulman will block that eight six with his six, but of course Bleznick never has eight six, he never lis pre flop with eight six calls the flop with a crappy eight high then calls the turn with a straight draw. But sometimes even when that’s the case, the solver or good players will still play aggressively with those types of hands. It’s just a board interaction thing. Having that board interaction is better than not having it. It’s going to make your play at least slightly more successful. So back to the action. After Bleznick checks over to Schulman, Schulman eventually finds a barrel here. He’s going to take a moment to load up the clip, but he goes ahead and reaches for those green 25,000 chips and he elects to put out five of them.
It was six of them rather for a full pot sized bet. He goes 150,000 into 150,000 here, really representing a nine. I think here is what he’s saying. His value range mainly is, maybe he could have a hand like seven eight, I’m not sure he would want to bet this big with seven eight, but it is a strong hand in this situation. So I think he maybe still would, but overall he’s saying the heart of his value range here is a nine. And then of course there’s a lot of draws on this board. Again it’s nine nine four seven, 2 clubs, 2 hearts. So there are a ton of draws, a ton of open enders, two different flush draws. When that’s the case, especially when the hands you’re going to be betting for value are very strong, you are going to see big bets get used by good players because Schulman just has a lot of good draws, a lot of good hands like nine x for trips and by betting big he’s going to really challenge Bleznick and put him in a tough spot.
Aaron (25:00):
And I think Schulman can still bet a hand like Ace four or even like King four, queen four, jack four here it’s a blind on blind spot, especially when you think your opponent’s not going to fold Ace High on a board with so many potential draws going bigger, thinner, using with a worse hand, still picking that big size makes sense you’re getting value from the ace highs and potentially even worse, potentially even a hand like Jack ten of hearts that peels flop decides to get to this turn isn’t folding.
Mike (25:30):
It is really sick if Schulman has a hand like ten four offsuit here and goes for this big size on the turn and then probably going to check back the river unimproved and that allowed him to get a very, very big bet of value in on the turn. So I think that’s a good point. It is very possible that Schulman could be as thin as a four here for value. Bleznick does call with his ace high, 450,000 going into the river. Schulman’s got 1.4 million behind, so stack’s not super in play. Bleznick checks over to him. The five of hearts on the river make Schulman six of hearts very relevant, right?
Aaron (26:07):
Very relevant. He blocks flushes and the six also gives him a straight draw blocker that he can block eight six and six three. I mean Bleznick cannot make a straight without having a six and it’s harder to make a flush now that Schulman has a heart. So I think it’s a pretty good spot for Schulman to keep betting. I actually think recreational players tend to play preflop and flop a lot closer to optimally than they do other streets and I think on turn and river is where people incorrectly shut down. So a lot of people will say something like, well yeah, I like that he bet flop and turn, but my opponent calls it’s time to give up. In reality the opposite is true. This is I think the street where a lot of professionals show their medal and get value and in this case the value is going to be by actually having the heart, no pun intended, to fire the bluff with six high.
Mike (27:03):
Yeah, I think it’s easy for more casual recreational players and such to get a little afraid on the river and not want to put in that big bet with nothing. But you got to do it sometimes, you got to do it. Unless you know your opponent’s not going to fold. But I think most of the time you don’t know that. Schulman does load up a big bet. Here he goes for 350,000 into a 450,000 chip pot and now Bleznick is in a pretty bad spot. He’s got just Ace Queen High, he has no relevant suits, he doesn’t have a heart, so he doesn’t block flushes. Is this a hand he can ever hero call with Aaron?
Aaron (27:39):
I mean you could. I don’t think I would. I will say that if his suits were different, if they were just switched where he has the Ace of spades and the queen of clubs, I’m definitely not calling because at that point you’ll be blocking queen high flush draws that might decide to barrel through, Queen high club draws. His ace of clubs isn’t really relevant as we talked about, but Bleznick has the same hand here as in other combos of Ace Queen that actually might want to call specifically one with a heart. Then you would actually block flushes. So if he has a hand like we’ll say ace of diamonds, queen of hearts, I actually think that’s a hand that might hero this. Hoping your opponent has bricked clubs try to stab the flop and barreled through. But I think with the exact holding, I would opt to be folding. In addition to having Ace Queen, he has so many other hands that are just better than Ace High. Maybe he traps the flop with a nine, maybe he has hands like a four, maybe even four x of hearts where he gets some flushes. Maybe he slow played an over pair, maybe he floated ace seven on the flop and turned a pair. So I just think he has so many better hands and this one, the suits themselves aren’t great and so I would look to fold.
Mike (28:55):
Yeah, this would be a very spicy hero call from Bleznick on the river. Again, the board is nine nine four seven five, 3 hearts. Bleznick with just Ace Queen High and he does eventually let it go. Schulman takes down this nice pot and approves his position for the rest of the tournament in this key stage just inside the money.
If you want to learn more poker strategy from Aaron. If you enjoyed his insights in this episode of Upswing Poker level up, I highly recommend jumping into the upswing lab, checking out his new lesson Five Tournament Mistakes to avoid. It’s a great little primer on how to improve your tournament game and it’s available right now in the Upswing lab.
So head over to upswingpoker.com to sign up. If you enjoyed this episode, follow, subscribe, like any of those good things, we would appreciate it. Following and subscribing allows you to get notified when new episodes go live. Aaron and I are going to be doing these tournament hand analysis every Wednesday for the duration of the World Series of Poker. Barring a deep run in the main event from one of us, we might be a little busy if that happens. Hope you enjoyed it. Take care. See you in the next one.