“GTO” C-Bet Frequency Quiz Answers and Explanations

Here are the answers and explanations for our “GTO” frequency c-bet quiz.

Hand #1

Hero raises with two cards on the Button, the Big Blind calls.

Flop comes Qโ™  Qโ™ฆ 7โ™ .

Hero should have a _________ c-bet frequency:

  1. >70% – Correct (92%)
  2. <70%

Hero has a very large range advantage (~56%) on this board due to having a higher concentration of trips and made hands. For this reason, Hero should implement a very high c-bet strategy.

See the PioSolver solution for Hand #1 >

Hand #2

Hero raises with two cards on the Button, the Big Blind calls.

Flop comes Aโ™ฆ 8โ™ฆ 4โ™ฃ.

Hero should have a _________ c-bet frequency:

  1. >65%
  2. <65% – Correct (54%)

Even though Hero has a large range advantage (~55%), there isnโ€™t such a big need to bet for protection because Heroโ€™s top pairs are not vulnerable as they can never become second pairs, thus they can check back and allow the opponent to commit a mistake by over-bluffing given that his range will be very air heavy.

See the PioSolver solution for Hand #2 >

Hand #3

Hero raises with two cards in the Cutoff, the Big Blind calls.

Flop comes Kโ™ฆ 7โ™ฆ 6โ™ฃ.

Hero should have a _________ c-bet strategy:

  1. >70%
  2. <70% – Correct (61%)

Hero has a decent range advantage on this board (~53%), but the difference between this board texture and an A76 texture is that the top pairs are a bit more vulnerable on the former. For this reason, Hero is supposed to bet at a high frequency on the flop.

See the PioSolver solution for Hand #3 >

Hand #4

Hero raises with two cards in the Cutoff, the Big Blind calls.

Flop comes 8โ™  7โ™ฅ 6โ™ฆ.

Hero should have a _________ c-bet strategy:

  1. >50% – Correct (63%)
  2. <50%

Hero has a slight range advantage on this board (~51%) which would normally lead to a lower c-bet frequency. But given that he has a higher percentage of top pairs and better, which are vulnerable on such a wet board, he is forced to c-bet at a high frequency for value and protection.

See the PioSolver solution for Hand #4 >

Hand #5

Hero raises with two cards in the Cutoff, the Big Blind calls.

Flop comes Aโ™ฆ Kโ™ฅ Qโ™ .

Hero should have a _________ c-bet strategy:

  1. >70% – Correct (76%)
  2. <70%

Hero has a very substantial range (~57%) and nut advantage, which means he should be c-betting at a very high frequency. The difference between this board and say one like A74 is that the Big Blind cannot check-raise aggressively on this board. This is due to his nut disadvantage. For this reason, Hero can furthermore increase his aggression.

See the PioSolver solution for Hand #5 >

Hand #6

Hero raises with two cards in the Middle Position, the Big Blind calls.

Flop comes Jโ™ฆ 9โ™  7โ™ .

Hero should have a _________ c-bet strategy:

  1. >65%
  2. <65% – Correct (44%)

Although Hero has a significant range advantage (~54%), he is lacking in the nut department, due to the out of position player having more 2-pair or better combinations proportionally to his overall range. For this reason, attempting an overly-aggressive c-betting strategy can be met with a very aggressive check-raise heavy counter-strategy.

See the PioSolver solution for Hand #6 >

Hand #7

Hero raises with two cards in the Middle Position, the Big Blind calls.

Flop comes Kโ™ฅ Kโ™ฆ 5โ™ฃ.

Hero should have a _________ c-bet strategy:

  1. >70% – Correct (100%)
  2. <70%

Hero has a very large range advantage (~59%) on this board due to having a higher concentration of trips and made hands. For this reason, Hero should implement a very high c-bet strategy.

See the PioSolver solution for Hand #7 >

Hand #8

Hero raises with two cards on the Button, the Big Blind calls.

Flop comes Aโ™ฅ Kโ™ฅ Qโ™ฃ.

Hero should have a _________ c-bet strategy:

  1. >70% – Correct (82%)
  2. <70%

Hero has a very substantial range (~58%) and nut advantage which means he should be c-betting at a very high frequency. The difference between this board and say one like A94 is that the Big Blind cannot check-raise aggressively on this board due to his nut disadvantage. For this reason, Hero can furthermore increase his aggression.

The PioSolver solution for this spot will be added in the next few days.

Hand #9

Hero raises with two cards on the Button, the Big Blind calls.

Flop comes Tโ™  7โ™ฆ 6โ™ฆ.

Hero should have a _________ c-bet strategy:

  1. >50%
  2. <50% – Correct (34%)

Although Hero has a significant range advantage (~53%), he is lacking in the nut department due to the out of position player having more 2-pair or better combinations proportionally to his overall range. For this reason, attempting an overly-aggressive c-betting strategy can be met with a very aggressive check-raise heavy counter-strategy.

See the PioSolver solution for Hand #9 >

Hand #10

Hero raises with two cards on the Button, the Big Blind calls.

Flop comes 7โ™ฅ 7โ™ฆ 7โ™ฃ.

Hero should have a _________ c-bet strategy:

  1. >70% – Correct (100%)
  2. <70%

Hero has a very large range advantage (~57%) on this board due to having a higher concentration of full houses and A-high hands. For this reason, Hero should implement a very high c-bet strategy.

See the PioSolver solution for Hand #10 >

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